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Fortify Lending Can Solve Your Debt Problems

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Almost all people and families will struggle with debt at some point in their life.

For younger generations, it will most likely be the student debt that they take on when they graduate from college (sometimes up to 6 digits worth). For other people, it will come when they take on their first mortgage that has a 30-year obligation. And for others, the debt comes slowly but surely through extended use of their credit cards.

If any of the above scenarios are something that you have gone through (or if you struggle with a different type of debt) then do not worry. At Fortify Lending, we know that it is significantly easier to get into debt than it is to get out of it. This is why we have made it our mission to help as many people get out of debt as possible.

One of the most common ways that we can help you get out of debt is by strategically using a personal loan to pay down high-interest debt and replacing it with low-interest debt. This saves most of our clients thousands of dollars in interest and helps them pay down their debt more quickly. We will talk about this in more detail in a moment.

First, we want to talk about what separates Fortify Lending from other providers.

Why Choose Fortify Lending?

Let’s be honest, when it comes to helping people escape from debt there are quite a few providers to choose from.
So why would you want to work with Fortify Lending? Here are a few of the things that separate us from other companies:


Our Experience

We have been in this game for quite some time. This is good for you for two reasons. First, it means that there are no stories we have not heard. Regardless of your financial situation we have most likely heard something similar in the past. Second, we can use the experience from helping our previous clients to make sure that we are giving you the best advice possible.



When it comes to most people’s personal finances we know that trust is the cornerstone of the relationship. We make it our mission to go over the top to make sure that you can trust our brand and our representatives.

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Our Commitment

We believe that our business is different. We are truly making a difference in our clients’ lives and this is what fuels us to perform the best service possible. It goes against our nature and beliefs to try and nickel-and-dime any of our clients.

Now that we have covered a few of the aspects that set Fortify Lending apart from other providers, let’s talk a little bit about how we go about helping you solve your debt problems.

What is a personal loan
Personal Loans

What is a personal loan?

In most scenarios, the product that we will recommend to our clients is something called a personal loan. If you are not familiar, a personal loan is a type of installment loan that can be taken out for personal use.

In this way, it gives you quick access to cash which you can use to make a lump sum payment. From there, you repay the loan in low-interest monthly payments.

Personal Loans

A few of the most common ways to use a personal loan are:

  • 1 Repaying high-interest debt
  • 2 Covering an emergency expense
  • 3 Financing large purchases

After you have applied and gotten approved for a loan through Fortify Lending, you will have flexibility on what you want to use it for. Let’s take a closer look at these three strategies for using a Fortify Lending personal loan.

A few of the most common ways to use a personal loan

How Fortify Lending enhances your finances

Once you have access to a personal loan, there are a few different ways that you can strategically use them to improve your financial health. Let’s take a look at the three ways mentioned earlier in a little more detail.

Repaying high-interest debt

This is our favorite way to recommend personal loans to our clients because it is one of the best-kept secrets in the industry. Many people carry debt that charges exorbitant rates of interest. For example, if you have credit card debt then chances are that you are paying over 20% in interest each month. In some cases, this might mean that you only have enough discretionary interest to pay off the interest on this debt (and not the principal). This means that you will be constantly paying only interest and making no progress on actually paying down the debt.

What most clients will do is take out a personal loan to repay their high-interest credit card debt (or similar type of debt). In doing this, they will still owe the same amount of principal but will drastically reduce their interest expense. This allows them to repay the loan in a shorter amount of time and pay less total interest.

Covering an emergency expense

Another good way to use a personal loan is to cover an emergency expense. A personal loan will give you access to quick cash which can then be used to cover your expense. From there, you can repay your loan in easily manageable monthly payments.

Financing large purchases

Personal loans are also a good way to finance large purchases. A few good examples of large purchases are moving purchases associated with getting a new job or putting an addition to your home. A personal loan can make turn these opportunities into reality.

If any of these situations sound like they are something that could help you then you are probably wondering how you can get approved for a personal loan. Let’s take a look at that now.

Our Process

How can I get approved at Fortify Lending?

Fortify Lending makes it incredibly easy to get approved for a loan. We are respectful of your time and don’t spend weeks stringing you along while you wait for approval. If you decide to move forward, here is what you can expect the process to look like:

  • 1

    Give one of our representatives a call

  • 2

    Go through a short approval process

  • 3

    Get quick access to your loan

From the initial call to the money landing in your bank account, the entire process is known to only take a few days.

how to get

Our Process

So how can I get started with Fortify?

nterested? If you think Fortify Lending can help improve your financial situation then you should not hesitate any longer! Here are the next steps that you should take to get the ball rolling:

The first step is to give one of our reps a call. There is a small chance that a personal loan might actually not be the best option for you and if that is the case we do not want to mislead you. The best way to do this is to hop on an introductory call.

At Fortify Lending, it is our mission to help as many of our clients as possible get out of debt. We know that being in debt can feel like you are lost in the desert with no clue with direction to go. Instead of feeling lost, give us a call and let us act as your compass!


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What People Say About Us

I would recommend Fortify Lending to anyone who is sick of having debt control their life.

“Their system works incredibly quickly and efficiently and it is most definitely worth giving them a call.”

Jamal Patterson
Jamal Patterson
Detroit, Michigan

My husband and I have struggled with debt ever since we got married and things were starting to get really tense.

“I am so happy that a friend told me about Fortify Lending. They were able to help put us on a path that has been way better off for our finances.”

Madison Avery
Madison Avery
New Orleans, Louisiana

Thank god that I decided to give Fortify Lending a call!

“I had dug myself into a gigantic hole in terms of my debt and I didn’t even think I had any options left. Luckily, they were able to point me in the right direction and I’m the best now that I’ve been in year!”

John LaMeina
John LaMeina
St. Paul, Minnesota

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